30 Seconds To Mars - Ukrainian Echelon


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N@tasha, вау...ошеломляет...


здесь можно прослушать другие отрывки из нового альбома..... :love:



Хех, фавориты (night-of-the-hunter, hurricane, stranger-in-a-strange-land) не потеряли своего шарма, а только наоборот...  :insane:


i-ha СПАСИБО!!! :shine:


ты была права насчёт 100 солнц )))))))))) только коротко слишком. даёшь песни по 10 минут! :crazy:


?JuLiAnA? написал(а):

даёшь песни по 10 минут!

ага)))) Мы хотим много)))


i-ha написал(а):

здесь можно прослушать другие отрывки из нового альбома.....


Genres: Pop, Indie & Alternative



Fallen Soul написал(а):

Фантастичны...Но... Genres: Pop, Indie & Alternative

а что смущает то?)


_Lexy_ написал(а):

а что смущает то?)

Pop. ОНИ не поп.


Так, девчоки, тут новые песни Марсов не обсуждаем!
Есть специальная тема для этого ;)
http://30stmukraine.2bb.ru/viewtopic.ph … p=2#p39150


30 Seconds To Mars - 'This Is War' Track By Track Guide

Take a sneak peak at Jared Leto's latest project...
by Jon Bye

30 Seconds To Mars return on December 7 with their brand new album 'This Is War'. The follow up to 2007's self titled debut sees Jared Leto and co. embracing the concept album format and stretching themselves in brand new directions. Here Gigwise takes you through each track of the album.


An atmospheric opening track, its a brooding crescendo to a disjointed choir sound. A short track at 2:30 it acts as an effective intro .

'Night Of The Hunter'

A synthy-rock statement of intent mixing their older Linkin Park style inspiration with the moodiness of prog-metal bands such as Tool and A Perfect Circle. Passionate with a pulse-like drum beat its that sure fire single that surpasses 'The Kill' in terms of enjoyability.

'Kings and Queens'

Full on epic space rock, almost certainly designed with stadium in mind. With a little bit of a U2 take but highly affirming and uplifting. “The age of man is over” Jared Leto proclaimers but he's lying - presumably after this it will just be the age of 30 Seconds to Mars.

'This Is War'

'This Is War' is a mediocre affair – a sort of  anthemic-rock-by-numbers that leaves you a little numb. Still for 30 Seconds To Mars this will be their  'Black Parade' with its break-down towards the end of the track. Can't blame them for wanting a piece of that type of anthemic number on their album.

'100 Suns'

An acoustic follow-on track proclaiming “I believe in nothing except the beating of my heart” it's unashamedly romantic. The ripple of recorded applause is perhaps a little cheesy but its mercifully short.


A piano driven ballad number which deals in absolute extremes, “Would you kill to save a life/Would you kill to do what's right”.

Closer To The Edge'

A real point of downturn on the album. A broody tale of fake-vigilantism  is simply musical lithium Leto's angsty vocals begin to sound like a cat in pain until an obligatory choir chime in towards the end .

'Vox Populi'

A more epic rehash of ground already covered on this album taking an atmospheric U2 affair.

'Search and Destroy'

A stripped-down intro consisting of piano, a tenderised Leto and muffled drums. Its a refreshing step for the band not to pursue the full-on rock out tracks. As such its the only the other track other than 'Night of the Hunter' that's especially enjoyable.


A promising synthy track its not long until it falls back into the usual routine of scream-y  chorus. Leto's failure to moderate the use of his soaring voice is a real let down with this album -  fine to listen to for a single track its certainly grating by this point on the album. Another potential single.

'Stranger in a Strange Land'

A brooding aboriginal synth-sound and electronic drum beats. This track meets a post-New Order level of darkness that should be obligatory for this album.


50 seconds of feedback gives way to an Oriental-ish riff  and a dodgy evil sounding choir all-male choir to bring this album back to the beginning.

Overblown and grating? Maybe, but 30 Seconds To Mars have pushed the boat out on 'This Is War' and at least some credit for that. After all what would rock music be without a few out of control ego's?


Transmission: 'The Ride' inspired by Kings and Queens, Chance to Chat with the Band when you Pre-Order 'This Is War', Who is Bartholomew Cubbins?

This Week - 11/19/2009

This week the band played shows in Milan, London, Paris, and Amsterdam.  They will also make stops in Germany before heading back for a round of dates in the US.

Today the band is in Amsterdam

Early next year Thirty Seconds to Mars will return to Europe with an even bigger tour starting in the UK and including a show at the Wembley Arena.  See below for dates and links to pre-order tickets.

Last week the short film 'The Ride' inspired by the song Kings and Queens was released on MySpace.  Click below to watch now!

Kings and Queens Music Video
Click Here to Watch 'The Ride' Now!

We are hoping you will share this video with someone who may have never heard of Thirty Seconds to Mars or heard the new single Kings and Queens.  Feel free to embed this video everywhere!

There are new album pre-order packages available for This Is War that include a chance to chat with the band online and win autographed copies of the album when it is released.

Pre-Order 'This Is War' for a chance ot chat with the band

Also, don't miss out on the opportunity to own one of the Limited Edition Making of 'This Is War' Photobooks.  These photobooks are available by pre-order only, so make sure to reserve yours before they are all gone!

Download and Print Poster
8" x 11" Download and Print Poster

Weekly Picks From the Band

Book of the Week

OutliersOutliers by Malcolm Gladwell examines the factors that contribute to high levels of success. Throughout, Gladwell repeatedly mentions the "10,000-Hour Rule", claiming that the key to success in any field is, to a large extent, a matter of practising a specific task for a total of around 10,000 hours.

Movie of the Week

Burden of DreamsBurden of Dreams directed by Les Blank is a feature-length documentary shot during and about the chaotic production of Werner Herzog's 1982 film Fitzcarraldo, filmed in the jungles of South America.

Album of the Week

Damien Rice - ODamien Rice - O
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Late night joint with inexpensive Mexican food.  It's a staple in New York.

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Отредактировано Fallen Soul (19 Ноя 2009 22:55:50)


перевела вчерашнее письмо марсов)

TRANSMISSION сотреть письмо он-лайн
марсы вернулись в Лондон

На этой неделе ребята отыграли шоу в Милане, Лондоне, Париже и Амстердаме. Перед тем как вернуться в США, группа сделает еще остановку в Берлине.
сегодня группа в Амстердаме

В начале следующего года Thirty Seconds to Mars вернуться в Европу с большим туром, который будет включать шоу на английском стадионе Вембли. Следите за датами тура и за ссылками на предзаказ билетов.

На прошлой неделе мы представили на MySpace 'The Ride', короткий фильм, на который нас вдохновила песня "Kings and Queens". Просмотреть его можно здесь.

Мы надеемся, что вы будете распространять видео среди тех, кто никогда не слышал о Thirty Seconds to Mars или тех, кто слышал новый сингл Kings and Queens. Можете свободно использовать видео повсюду.

Сделав предзаказ на альбом This Is War, у вас есть шанс пообщаться с группой онлайн в чате или выиграть подписанный альбом.

Также, не пропустите возможность заказать ограниченный выпуск книги, включающей фото, сделанные во время создания 'This Is War'. Эта книга доступна лишь по предзаказу, так что не пропустите свой шанс.

8"х11" Скачать и распечатать постер

Книга недели -  Малкольм Гладуэлл  "Гении и аутсайдеры. Почему одним все, а другим ничего?"
Фильм недели - Бремя Мечты / Burden of Dreams (Лес Бланк / Les Blank) 1982г.
Альбом недели - Damien Rice - O
Вэб-сайт недели - http://www.wwf.org/
Ресторан недели - San Loco - Бруклин, Нью-Йорк


Fans help 30 Seconds to Mars build "War" machine

By Cortney Harding

NEW YORK (Billboard) - Plenty of artists pay lip service to loving their fans, but they usually limit their interaction to meet-and-greets, tweets and shout-outs from the stage. But 30 Seconds to Mars, which is about to release its third album, "This Is War," goes far beyond the usual platitudes and gestures.

The band involved its fans, known as "the Echelon," in a number of aspects of the new album, including them in choruses and putting their pictures on the album cover.

Lead singer Jared Leto says the group spent two years writing and recording the album, which Virgin will release December 8, working in the studio with producers Flood and Steve Lillywhite. "The album is a quantum leap forward," Leto says. "I describe it as a metamorphosis, nothing short of a complete rediscovery."

30 Seconds to Mars' previous album, "A Beautiful Lie," which was released in 2005, has sold 1.2 million copies, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

While the new album represents an artistic step forward for the band, it hasn't given up its melodic, hard rock leanings. "I don't ever wonder about what people will think when we get in the studio," Leto says. "I have to follow my heart and my gut and not worry about outside influences."

The group uses strings in some of the arrangements and includes choirs on almost every track. Leto explains that members of the choruses are fans from around the world.

"We were intent on turning the mic toward the audience," he says. "We started to hold events we called 'the Summit'; we did one in L.A. at the Avalon, and the place was full. We wound up doing eight of them in different cities, and then we started getting requests from fans that couldn't make it to the summits to participate. We launched a digital version, and we used the material to create the choruses."

Fans also were able to submit photos of themselves online, and Leto says the pictures were used to design several album covers that fans can choose from. "We know that retail is shifting from physical to digital," he says. "We wanted to celebrate the transition and make the physical release really important."

The band plans to play a number of European shows in November before returning to the United States to play holiday radio shows. A full U.S. tour is planned for 2010.

Because of Leto's acting career, some people perceive 30 Seconds to Mars as the side project of a celebrity, But Greg Thompson, EMI executive vice president of promotion and marketing, says that "This Is War" should dispel any lingering notions that the singer is a dilettante.

"It's a harder journey for someone who acts to break into music than the other way around," he says. "But Jared is totally committed to making it all about the band. At this point, fans see him as the lead singer who just happens to act."

(Editing by SheriLinden at Reuters)

http://www.reuters.com/article/musicNew … 5T20091121

"Kings and Queens" Video Availble Now on iTunes

"Kings and Queens" the short film music video is now available for purchase on iTunes


http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse … =519500698

Интервью в Кёльне:
30secondstomars @1live in koln, germany nov 24 2009.mp3

http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,26 … 77,00.html

Отредактировано Fallen Soul (25 Ноя 2009 17:07:11)


Thirty Seconds to Mars закончили первый этап европейского тура и со следующей недели начнут тур по Америке. В течении тура Джаред, Шеннон и Томо оставляли сообщения на твиттере. Убедитесь, что вы следите за ними, чтобы оставаться в курсе последних новостей.
сдедить за Джаредом
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следить за Томо

В этом месяце вы можете прочитать статью о Thirty Seconds to Mars в Kerrang!
Перейдите сюда, чтобы обсудить статью на форуме Эшелона.

Многие спрашивали нас о промо материалах и мы рады с вами поделиться трафаретом для распространения "War is Coming!"
скачать трафарет
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Внимание! Если вы делаете предзаказ на This Is War, у вас есть возможность пообщаться с группой в чате в день релиза в Америке (08/12/09)

Книга недели - Дж.Сэлинджер "Девять рассказов"
Фильм недели - A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
Альбом недели - The Cure - Disintegration
Вэб-сайт недели - wwwbanksy.co.uk
Ресторан недели - Pret a Manger , Лондон, Великобритания

Предзаказ This Is War можно сделать здесь:
iTunes Australia

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Musicload Austria

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Archambault Canada

Epe's Music Store

EMI Boutique
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iTunes Dutch
Free Record Shop

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Five Music

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i-ha написал(а):

Внимание! Если вы делаете предзаказ на This Is War, у вас есть возможность пообщаться с группой в чате в день релиза в Америке (08/12/09)

И тут предзаказ  :crazy:   У меня это слово уже вызывает озноб.


23 Upcoming Albums That Matter Most

This Is War (Virgin)

Release Date: Dec. 8
The Skinny: Jared Leto is releasing his band's third album on the 39th anniversary of John Lennon's murder. And Leto, of course, got gout from gaining weight to portray Lennon's killer, Mark David Chapman, in Chapter 27. Coincidence? Maybe. The good news is that after battling every actor-as-rock-star prejudice imaginable, Leto may actually now be better known for his music thanks to the platinum showing of 2005's screamo-pop A Beautiful Lie. Whether you're a fan or not, that's worth a tip of the cap.
Fast Fact: The track "Hurricane" was reported to feature Kanye West, but his verse does not seem to have made the final album.
http://www.spin.com/gallery/23-upcoming … age=2#main

30 Seconds to Mars soars
The band's legal struggles with EMI -- since resolved with an unlikely Old Hollywood assist -- inform its new album, 'This Is War.'

By August Brown

A few weeks ago, Jared Leto got a letter in the mail. It was addressed to the 30 Seconds to Mars singer in formal, feminine script and arrived on thick, azure-colored paper. The return address was the real surprise, however -- the Paris home of Olivia de Havilland, the "Gone With the Wind" actress who in a roundabout way helped save the band's career.

Last year, the group was staring down a $30-million lawsuit from its parent label, EMI, over future albums the label claimed the band owed the company. But a contract case involving De Havilland decades ago seemed to offer legal precedent for a way out.

"The California Appeals Court ruled that no service contract in California is valid after seven years, and it became known as the 'De Havilland law' after she used it to get out of her contract with Warner Bros.," Leto said. "We used the same statute to resolve our lawsuit."

Because of her association with that law, Leto had reached out to De Havilland to interview her for an as yet unreleased documentary he was filming about the making of the album. She declined to participate, but she agreed to meet with him and the two remained in touch -- though Leto says he was taken aback when he received her handwritten missive.

He hadn't expected her to take the time to send a the note, he said. "I'm going to visit her in Paris to thank her," Leto said.

In the back room of the band's new mixed-use promotional space on Melrose Avenue, Leto sounds positively zen, even downright beatific about an Old Hollywood star unwittingly helping to rescue him from within today's flailing major-label system. He greets guests with vigorous hugs, and he sings prospective new verses between conversations the way other people might take smoke breaks.

The band's new album, "This Is War," out Dec. 8, is decidedly more combative. Such songs as "Night of the Hunter" and "Hurricane" brim with sinister electronics and lyrics such as "Tell me, would you kill to prove you're right?" The suggestion is one of malevolent forces both acting on the band and roiling within it.

Leto is reluctant to discuss any particulars of the lawsuit, which ended with 30 Seconds to Mars back under the EMI label umbrella. After the suit's resolution in April, Nick Gatfield, EMI Music's president of A&R labels for North America and the United Kingdom, gave an official statement on the suit.

"We are thrilled to have set aside our differences and signed a new agreement with 30 Seconds to Mars," he said. "Our relationship has been extremely rewarding and successful, and we're eager to move forward and put our global team to work on the brilliant new album they are recording with [producer] Flood."

The experience still left Leto with a disconnect about how otherwise friendly, individual faces can quickly turn ugly when business dealings are involved. "The idea of a corporation is a tricky one. It's a shell for the people within it, and though we've lost a lot of our supporters at EMI from layoffs, there are still mostly good people there," he said.

That sense of confusion and disappointment inform the album's tone. Yet the collection is also the most confident-sounding thing the band has done. It owes a great deal to producer Mark Ellis, who under the name Flood has helmed albums by U2, Depeche Mode and the Killers. He said the stress of the suit made the "This Is War" sessions an often physical trial for the band.

"There were so many dark days," Ellis said. "A bit of hopelessness and depression are useful in galvanizing artists, but I feel like I really had to help lift them out of it. Jared had the worst back problems in the studio from the physical stress of holding up the band under the lawsuit."

Ellis' sure production helped the musicians break out of their wall-of-guitars contemporary rock sound (there's even a vocal cameo from Kanye West on "Hurricane").

They also recalibrated their sense of what -- and who -- was truly important to them. One of the most prominent effects on the album is a catalog of found sounds recorded at various "summits," where fans came to sing hooks en masse at venues including the Avalon in Hollywood.

Leto, whose acting credits include "Panic Room" and "Requiem for a Dream," has long based 30 Seconds to Mars in Los Angeles but set its music videos in such places as Beijing's Forbidden City and at the Arctic Circle.

Recording the album at Leto's home just north of the Hollywood Hills brought the band's psychology closer to L.A. The video for "War's" first single, "Kings and Queens," centers on L.A.'s bicycling community.

It follows Leto, (his brother and) drummer Shannon Leto and guitarist Tomo Milicevic as they lead a gang of bikers across the L.A. River through Hollywood to the Santa Monica Pier. The raging wildfires and white stallion that joins them suggest the band hasn't lost its taste for the epic. But Leto is carving out a niche for the group amid the whirlwind.

"So much of this album was about reclaiming public space for art," Leto said. "We shut down Hollywood Boulevard. We shut down the Santa Monica Pier. It was so wonderful to own both sides of the road. We tried to close down the freeway, but that's a lot harder to do than we thought."


Copyright © 2009, The Los Angeles Times

http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/ne … 7853.story

30 Seconds to Mars turns to fans for album

Plenty of artists pay lip service to loving their fans, but usually limit their interaction to meet-and-greets, replying to tweets and shout-outs from the stage. But 30 Seconds to Mars, which is about to release its third album, "This Is War," Dec. 8 on Virgin, goes far beyond the usual platitudes and gestures. The band involved its fans, known as "the Echelon," on a number of aspects of the new album, including them in choruses and putting their pictures on the album cover.

Lead singer Jared Leto says the group spent two years writing and recording the album, working in the studio with producers Flood and Steve Lillywhite. "The album is a quantum leap forward," Leto says. "I describe it as a metamorphosis, nothing short of a complete rediscovery."

30 Seconds to Mars' previous album, "A Beautiful Lie," which was released in 2005, has sold 1.2 million copies, according to Nielsen SoundScan. While "This Is War" certainly represents an artistic step forward for the band, it hasn't completely given up its melodic, hard rock leanings. "I don't ever wonder about what people will think when we get in the studio," Leto says. "I have to follow my heart and my gut and not worry about outside influences."

"This Is War" makes excellent use of strings, and varied song arrangements save the album from sounding too much like a didactic lecture. The group includes choirs on almost every track, and Leto explains that members of the choruses are fans from around the world.

"We were intent on turning the mic toward the audience," he says. "We started to hold events we called the Summit'; we did one in L.A. at the Avalon and the place was full. We wound up doing eight of them in different cities, and then we started getting requests from fans that couldn't make it to the summits to participate. We launched a digital version, and we used the material to create the choruses."

Fans also were able to submit photos of themselves online, and Leto says the pictures were used to design several album covers that fans can choose from. "We know that retail is shifting from physical to digital," he says. "We wanted to celebrate the transition and make the physical release really important."

EMI executive vice president of promotion and marketing Greg Thompson says fans will participate in marketing "This Is War" as well. "This is a band that was built by passionate fans," he says. "They have been doing a lot of the viral marketing themselves, preaching the gospel to their friends and families."

Thompson says the campaign to spread the word about the new album will also include many more traditional elements. "We introduced the first single, Kings and Queens,' to radio, and it's exploded at modern rock and active rock," he says. The song is No. 5 on Billboard's Alternative chart and No. 11 on the Rock tally.

The band is planning on playing a number of European shows in November before returning to the United States to play holiday radio shows. A full U.S. tour is planned for 2010.
http://www.azcentral.com/thingstodo/mus … 6mars.html

Gunsberg to host new radio show from LA

AUSTRALIAN Idol host Andrew Gunsberg says he's excited to bring the happening life of Los Angeles to Australians in a new live weekly radio program.
Gunsberg is set to host a new Austereo show live from LA on Saturday nights (Sunday afternoon Australian time) - to air nationally.

Called The Hot Hits Live from LA the four-hour program will kick off from December 6 at 2pm with special guests Snoop Dog and Jared Leto
http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,26 … 77,00.html

30 Seconds To Mars Answer Your Questions

Imogen Heap, Bill Bailey, Jarvis - the stars have been lining up to take our Tweet Nothings test, where followers of @NMEmagazine on Twitter and users of NME.COM supply the questions, and now 30 Seconds To Mars are the latest to face the test.

When Bill Bailey did the interview recently he told us why Buzzcocks sucks now and what music to choose to impress a first date among other things; watch the interview here:

So what do you want to ask Jared Leto and 30 Seconds To Mars as they take the test? Let rip and let your imagination go wild. We need answers by the end of this afternoon. We have enough questions now thanks. Stay tuned to see the interview...

http://www.nme.com/blog/index.php?blog= … 1&pb=1

It’s attempted several times to contact 30 Seconds To Mars guitarist Tomo Milicevic for our interview, while on the other end the epic sound of This Is War being rehearsed for a run of live shows completely drowns the ringing.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting,” he finally apologises. “I left my phone on the top of my amp and with how loud we are, it made it impossible to hear it. I even set an alarm for myself.”

30 Seconds to Mars have a hell of a challenge in front of them. “We don’t make live albums; we make studio albums and then we play them live,” Milicevic laughs. “This record we really went for it. To play it live, it’s going to be a lot of work. But that’s okay, we’re not afraid of that. We haven’t played live in years. So we’re rehearsing like crazy now and getting back into that rhythm.”

With a talent like Jared Leto fronting the band, there really is nothing to fear. Or is there? “I didn’t really want to release this information…but he’s actually an alien,” Milicevic laughs. “That’s why he’s so damn good at everything! He’s not a human being!”

The short-film like clip for lead single From Yesterday saw 30 Seconds to Mars become the first ever American band to make a music video-clip in the People’s Republic of China.

“I don’t want to sound like a cocky prick but our videos really are beautiful,” says Milicevic. “I love watching them. That’s hats off to Jared and his big thinking and ability to pull that stuff off. He’s obviously very talented on the film side of things, does really great work and doesn’t do bullshit movies. I think that’s a testament to his artistic side. He has so many opportunities to make so much money and he passes that up for art.”

But what fans might not know is Jared’s brother and bandmate Shannon, according to Milicevic, is just as gifted in making melody.

“He’s the drummer, so people never think about the drummer being a melodic person. But those two guys have this unbelievable knack for creative melody. When you’re writing a song, everything, everything comes second to the melody.

“There’s a song on the album called L490 that Shannon wrote and played all the instruments on. A lot of people don’t know that he can do that. We don’t really showcase that stuff live. The good think about 30 Seconds to Mars is that nobody will fight for ego. The best piece of music wins.”

And that music has been reaching far and wide. “We’re building this family of friends and weirdos that come to our shows. We have the coolest and equally weirdest audience. So we wanted to capture that spirit and energy that we have at our performances on the album.”

Enter ‘The Summit’ – another idea made possible by Leto. “We booked this venue in LA called the Avalon Club – which is a 12,000-14,000 seat venue – and we decided to turn that place into a giant recording studio. People turned up from all over the world. Jared was basically conducting the crowd like an orchestra. It was a pretty magical experience to be a part of.”

They then went on to conduct global summits around the world, which still wasn’t enough. “People from countries who didn’t get to participate were Twittering. I think Jared got this Twitter from a guy in Iran. He was like, ‘Man, I really wish I could have participated in The Summit but I live in Iran and there wasn’t a way for me to do it.’ That’s when the digital summit came to life.”

“The thing that is really cool is every single piece of audio that was submitted, literally every single piece, is on the album,” he continues. “So to anyone who participated in any form of The Summit, just know that you are on the album.”

Not many artists can boast the voice of the world as their instrument. It sounds well worth the effort. “We work 20 hours a day, seven days a week. I personally believe that’s the only way that you can achieve anything that’s great. Again, I don’t want to sound like I’m tooting my own horn or our own horn, but I know we’ve put a lot of time into this and I hope that it shows in the music.”

This Is War is out 4 December through EMI. Watch the video for lead single Kings & Queens in the FL Videos section.
http://www.fasterlouder.com.au/features … o-Mars.htm

Отредактировано Fallen Soul (1 Дек 2009 18:25:30)


Limited-edition Vinyl Available Now

Limited Edition Collector's Item - This Is War all white, limited edition vinyl picture disc. Only available at the Official Store.

Purchase it HERE
http://30secondstomars.shop.musictoday. … age=1#035;

Tour Diary: Denver

Denver: Mile-high madness. Escaped for a couple hours and wandered into the mountains.  Shan and co went to the hot springs. Good to find some time to do things like that. Keeps you at least half sane. Being back in America is incredible. I think because we have been gone for so long it's like seeing the oldest of friends.

The show was great and the crowd had so much energy. Because of the altitude between songs my brother and I were sharing an oxygen tank at this show ...funny...maybe a walker next. ;)

Off to Texas.  Was the home of sweet Grama Ruby...


PS. It's 6 days until THIS IS WAR is unleashed....can't wait! :)

http://30secondstomars.buzznet.com/user … l/5551791/

Отредактировано Fallen Soul (3 Дек 2009 21:28:03)


Выступление в Денвере

Thirty Seconds to Mars вернулись в США после успешного тура по Европе. Они уже отыграли выступления в Солтлейк Сити и Денвере на этой неделе. Сегодня они в Хьюстоне, также они посетят Grand Prarie, West Palm Beach и Tampa Bay до конца недели.

Осталось меньше недели до выхода альбома и некоторые страны получат его раньше, чем остальные. Ниже показаны страны и даты релиза.

Новый вид мерча был представлен на этой неделе. Вы можете заказать Виниловый Диск альбома 'This Is Wasr' в официальном магазине.

В это воскресенье в 8-9 pm EST (если я не ошиблась, то по нашему это с 3-4 ночи понедельника :tired: ) Джаред появится в эфире радио 101,9 RXP.

Не забывайте: (Twitter, Facebook, Myspace)

Многие нас спрашивают о промо-материалах и мы рады с вами поделиться плакатами, которые вы можете сами напечатать и помочь нам распространять 'War Is Coming'


Внимание! Напоминаем, что при пред-заказе альбома "This Is War"  у вас есть возможность пообщаться с группой онлайн 08/12/2009.

Книга недели - Пол Арден "Чтобы вы не думали - думайте наоборот"
Фильм недели - Корпорация "Еда" (Роберт Кеннер, 2008)
Альбом недели - Portishead - Dummy
Сайт недели - http://www.amnesty.org/
Ресторан недели - Hotel Costes Restaurant, Париж, Франция


интересно, а когда альбом появиться у нас? Индия, Тайланд, Новая Зеландия....... - неужели им нужнее чем нам!


Planet Hollywood: Thirty Seconds To Mars

Jared Leto's voice bristles with emotion. "I was born in Louisiana and climbed out of the muddy banks of the Mississippi," says the actor-turned-rockstar, more than a little indignantly. "My brother and I lived on food stamps. We came from a very humble, blue-collar background, with a vagabond hippy mother. It's an experience that informs us to this day. The fact that I made a couple of art movies really has very little to do with anything at all."

You probably know Leto as sometime movie star (Fightclub, Requiem for A Dream, Alexander) and full-time international heartthrob -- he's rumoured to have stepped out with everyone from Lindsay Lohan and Cameron Diaz to Scarlett Johansson and entertainment mogul Ashley Olsen. Frankly, this irritates him no end. He'd rather you were talking about his vaguely emo-esque rock group, Thirty Seconds To Mars, which he formed with brother Shannon (they are about to release their third LP and play The O2 in February). But given the long and inglorious tradition of actors trying to pass themselves off as rockers (Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves, we're talking about you), surely he understands why people might be cynical about his foray into angst-slathered screamo-pop?

"Well, at the beginning I was aware of it," says the 37-year-old. "It wasn't going to stop me from moving forward. Someone else's failure is not a reason to stop pursuing my dreams. I think, now, it's really an old story."

Not everyone feels that way. A few months ago, Ben Gibbard, of the indie band Death Cab For Cutie, embarked on a bit of a tirade against Leto, essentially accusing him of being a rich actor play-acting at being a bad-ass rocker (ironically Gibbard's wife, 500 Days of Summer star Zooey Deschanel, is herself an actress-turned-musician).

Speaking to an American magazine, Gibbard wasn't holding back: "He's a professional actor in music. So there's no way to feel any sincerity about his position as a musician," he said. "He makes a living playing characters -- so why wouldn't he be able to take a step forward? Then you're also acting what you think a rock star should act like."

Was Leto stung by the comments? Shrugging, he demurs. "Everyone's got an opinion," he says. "I've been around for long enough to know people are always going to have something to say. I don't spend my time worrying about other people's business. I'm always a believer in the philosophy of, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all... If someone said something horrible about me, I wouldn't retaliate in the press. Or play the tit-for-tat game. I think it's silly.

What about the constant speculation over his personal life? If showbiz reporters aren't linking him to some curvaceous new starlet, they're raking over his who's who list of alleged past conquests. That must prove a distraction when he's trying to pursue a rock career.

"No, not really," he says. "We tend to be really focused on the creative process. That takes up most of our time. Writing, recording, being in the studio. That's where we spend our days, hours and minutes."

Thirty Seconds To Mars' latest album is entitled This Is War and the name couldn't be more appropriate. While they were recording the LP, a dispute with their label, EMI, over the group's contractual obligations saw Leto and his bandmates slapped with a $30m lawsuit (the differences were eventually resolved and the two sides are apparently on friendly terms once more). Did EMI assume that, as a successful actor, he had millions salted away in the bank?

"It had nothing to do with that. They just wanted to completely dominate us. They did what they thought was best to do for their side. And we had to do what we had to do to protect ourselves. Sometimes you have to fight to be free."

Still, it is surely difficult to focus on an album with a $30m legal action hanging over you. "You know, there were days when I didn't even think about it. And then there were days when it just consumed me completely. It was brutal. We've never had a battle with an industry... It was more than background noise."

He's been through gruelling creative journeys before, of course. Leto co-starred alongside Colin Farrell in Oliver Stone's train-wreck Alexander. He played a heroin addict in Darren Aronofsky's feverish drug movie Requiem for a Dream. And he gained a paunch and two double chins to portray John Lennon's assassin, Mark Chapman, in Chapter 27. How would he compare the experience of making a difficult movie and a difficult LP?

"It's as different as being, you know, a chemist or a surgeon, a writer or a painter. Certainly you learn from things in your life. But they are completely different experiences."

I'd been warned Leto was aloof and, frankly, a bit full of himself. In fact, once the ice is broken, he's friendly and quite down to earth -- if at pains not to say anything controversial (asked about the gate-crashing tendencies of Kanye West, who guests on This Is War, he says he didn't see the incidents in question). At the same time, as a musician he seems rather tentative about his status -- despite Thirty Seconds To Mars' multi-platinum fanbase, he assumes I'm unfamiliar with his music and keeps telling me how proud he is of the new album.

One of the influences on the record, he says, is U2, of whom he is a long-time fan. "I think [single] Kings and Queens is like The Joshua Tree on crack. You can definitely hear a bit of U2 influence on that song. We'll be eternally grateful to U2 for the precedent they set. You know, for the fact there could be more to what they do than just a song."

His interest in Ireland doesn't end with craw-beating rock bands. On screen, one of his breakout performances was playing a suburban Dubliner in 1996's Last of the High Kings. When a Hollywood star tries to trap their tonsils around an Irish accent, a car-crash inevitably ensues. Leto, though, made a surprisingly decent stab at the sounding like a kid from leafy D4.

"I appreciate you saying that because I have a very strong love for anything Irish," he says. "I hope this is not offensive, but I do feel some kindred spirit with the Irish. I have a sense of the Irish fight in me. I do take some pleasure and some pride in the fact that you noted my Irish accent in the film. I worked very hard on it. At one point, I got reviewed by the BBC or Channel 4 and they talked about an up-and-coming Irish actor, Jared Leto."

Having experienced success as both actor and musician, which industry does he think more tolerant of bad behaviour? The cliché of the out-of-control rocker is firmly enshrined in the culture. However, you don't have to look far for examples of fast-living matinee idols. Leto, after all, has worked with both Colin Farrell and Lindsey Lohan.

"My perspective is different. I think bad behaviour anywhere is absurd. Everyone knows that the clichéd life is to be avoided at all costs. I have a love for writing songs. I'm not really interested in attitudinal-type things. It's the creative process that I love."

Surely he'd agree Colin Farrell is far more rock and roll than even the most debauched musician? He laughs. "That's funny... I think he's a good man."

This is War is released today. Thirty Seconds To Mars play The O2, Dublin on February 26

- Ed Power

Irish Independent

http://www.independent.ie/entertainment … 64101.html

30 Seconds to Mars on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien
30 Seconds to Mars will be performing on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien - Thursday December 10th!
Click HERE for more information.
http://www.tonightshowwithconanobrien.c … 2009-12-11

http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse … =520972636




Tour Diary: Houston

Snow was falling as we said goodbye to Denver and started the push toward Texas. The huck across and down is long but really great to get back into the heartland.

3 shows into our return to touring in the usa and it couldn't be better. So thankful people. are coming out and celebrating it with us.

Thank the gods for Whole Foods, an oasis out here on the road. Houston is a massive network of highways, biways, and buildings. I still haven't cracked it yet but will soon.

Five days until WAR and we can't wait. By the way the FACES OF MARS covers look insane and beautiful!

It's almost xmass....crazy!

http://30secondstomars.buzznet.com/user … l/5566001/

Отредактировано Fallen Soul (4 Дек 2009 20:40:49)


Почему-то мне эта идея с обложками... Очень даже нравится  :insane:


Buzz Bake Sale Preview: :30 Seconds to Mars

​Let's hope this blog post doesn't ruin anything for :30 Seconds to Mars fans. It's been said that if venues used the fact Hollywood dream-boat Jared Leto heads this band, he'll flat out refuse to play the show. I guess we're safe since we're clearly not the venue promoting, instead we're just pointing out the obvious. Unlike most other Hollywood actor fronted bands (we're looking at you 30 Odd Foot of Grunts, and Bacon Brothers) :30 Seconds to Mars has a following of fans who actually care about the music. Sure it doesn't hurt that the star of Requiem for a Dream is behind the microphone, but that's not enough to keep a band around for 11 plus years, selling out arenas (in Johannesburg) and winning awards (VMAs are still awards right?).

So check out the video below, but do it twice. The first time, listen with your eyes closed, then open them up. If you're feelings toward the band changed after you saw them, you've got a crush not a new band to obsess over. If you're just really into watching bands play on snowy mountains in Greenland, you're awesome.

30 Seconds to Mars will be performing at the Buzz Bake Sale in Cruzan Ampitheater on Saturday, December 5, along with Chevelle, Matisyahu, Cage the Elephant, Panic At The Disco, Manchester Orchestra, and more. Tickets are $40 for reserved seats, $20 for lawn.

http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/crossfad … 0_seco.php

О вот эти мне нравятся

http://twitpic.com/s5sc4 - A Terry Richardson, a @Bam_Margera, an unknown soldier and our manager Irving Azoff! @FacesofMars looks amazing!

about 14 hours ago from TwitPic

Tour Diary: Dallas

Shared the stage with Cage the Elephant (great energy) our friends The Bravery (nicest guys) and AFI (legends) last night for a radio show in Dallas. Big show, rowdy as holy hell and great to see Vince, Jessie and family.

Starting in Houston we have been selling and signing actual cds after the show with FACES OF MARS covers. They look incredible. Seeing all of the different faces is a blast. So far I've collected a Terry Richardson, a Bam Margera, a few friends and even our manager Irving Azoff!

If you're coming to the shows and want to get a cd signed, get them quick as they have sold out every single night... and thanks to all for that.

Hope you guys enjoy it and thanks again to everyone who sent in a photo.  You made this what it is.

Off to play West Palm!


PS. This is War comes out in THREE DAYS!!!!!

http://30secondstomars.buzznet.com/user … l/5577081/

Отредактировано Fallen Soul (5 Дек 2009 21:55:46)


Faster Louder Magazine interview with Tomo:

It’s attempted several times to contact 30 Seconds To Mars guitarist Tomo Milicevic for our interview, while on the other end the epic sound of This Is War being rehearsed for a run of live shows completely drowns the ringing.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting,” he finally apologises. “I left my phone on the top of my amp and with how loud we are, it made it impossible to hear it. I even set an alarm for myself.”

30 Seconds to Mars have a hell of a challenge in front of them. “We don’t make live albums; we make studio albums and then we play them live,” Milicevic laughs. “This record we really went for it. To play it live, it’s going to be a lot of work. But that’s okay, we’re not afraid of that. We haven’t played live in years. So we’re rehearsing like crazy now and getting back into that rhythm.”

With a talent like Jared Leto fronting the band, there really is nothing to fear. Or is there? “I didn’t really want to release this information…but he’s actually an alien,” Milicevic laughs. “That’s why he’s so damn good at everything! He’s not a human being!”

The short-film like clip for lead single From Yesterday saw 30 Seconds to Mars become the first ever American band to make a music video-clip in the People’s Republic of China.

“I don’t want to sound like a cocky prick but our videos really are beautiful,” says Milicevic. “I love watching them. That’s hats off to Jared and his big thinking and ability to pull that stuff off. He’s obviously very talented on the film side of things, does really great work and doesn’t do bullshit movies. I think that’s a testament to his artistic side. He has so many opportunities to make so much money and he passes that up for art.”

But what fans might not know is Jared’s brother and bandmate Shannon, according to Milicevic, is just as gifted in making melody.

“He’s the drummer, so people never think about the drummer being a melodic person. But those two guys have this unbelievable knack for creative melody. When you’re writing a song, everything, everything comes second to the melody.

“There’s a song on the album called L490 that Shannon wrote and played all the instruments on. A lot of people don’t know that he can do that. We don’t really showcase that stuff live. The good think about 30 Seconds to Mars is that nobody will fight for ego. The best piece of music wins.”

And that music has been reaching far and wide. “We’re building this family of friends and weirdos that come to our shows. We have the coolest and equally weirdest audience. So we wanted to capture that spirit and energy that we have at our performances on the album.”

Enter ‘The Summit’ – another idea made possible by Leto. “We booked this venue in LA called the Avalon Club – which is a 12,000-14,000 seat venue – and we decided to turn that place into a giant recording studio. People turned up from all over the world. Jared was basically conducting the crowd like an orchestra. It was a pretty magical experience to be a part of.”

They then went on to conduct global summits around the world, which still wasn’t enough. “People from countries who didn’t get to participate were Twittering. I think Jared got this Twitter from a guy in Iran. He was like, ‘Man, I really wish I could have participated in The Summit but I live in Iran and there wasn’t a way for me to do it.’ That’s when the digital summit came to life.”

“The thing that is really cool is every single piece of audio that was submitted, literally every single piece, is on the album,” he continues. “So to anyone who participated in any form of The Summit, just know that you are on the album.”

Not many artists can boast the voice of the world as their instrument. It sounds well worth the effort. “We work 20 hours a day, seven days a week. I personally believe that’s the only way that you can achieve anything that’s great. Again, I don’t want to sound like I’m tooting my own horn or our own horn, but I know we’ve put a lot of time into this and I hope that it shows in the music.”

http://www.fasterlouder.com.au/features … o-Mars.htm


FACE THE MUSIC: Virgin/EMI group Thirty Seconds to Mars is taking the concept of micro-marketing to a new level with the cover of their upcoming album, This Is War, which comes out Dec. 8. The first run of the disc will be a limited edition run featuring the faces sent in by fans selected in an on-line “Faces of Mars” contest for the top 2,000 entries. There are also a number of celebs and industry ringers in the batch, including Irving Azoff and Cobra Starship’s Gabe Saporta as well as label execs Ron Werre, Greg Thompson, Angelica Cob-Baehler, Colin Finklestein and Bob Semanovich. Which means fans have to actually go into record stores to see if their album cover is being carried. Ingenious, right?

Faces of Mars

Submit and view found Faces of Mars covers on our Facebook page or FacesofMars twitter.
http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse … =521275852

acoustic set and cd signing 12/8-12/9
We'll be playing acoustic & signing copies of our new cd THIS IS WAR at The Hive (7714 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles) on Tuesday from 3-5pm.
http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse … =521325409

30 Seconds To Mars' This Is War Has Monks, But No Kanye West
'He's phenomenal on the song, and it will be out at some point,' Jared Leto says of rights issues keeping the MC off 'Hurricane.'

By all accounts, the making of 30 Seconds to Mars' This Is War was anything but by-the-book.

There was the $30 million breach-of-contract lawsuit filed by (then) label, Virgin Records. There was the very real possibility that the album would never see the light of day. And there were the many delays in production, the stop/start recording sessions and the sheer amount of ideas (Tibetan monks, fan-only "audio experiments") the band tried every step of the way.

It was enough to wilt the will of even the most steadfast band, but somehow, 30 Seconds to Mars didn't quit, and War will finally hit stores Tuesday. And you'd think they'd be really anxious to put all this behind them, but surprisingly, they'd do it all over again — exactly the same way.

"[This] wasn't a record where we just stumbled upon everything. Certainly when you make mistakes and you fail, that's the best, and I love to fail. ... I don't avoid failing because you learn from that, in a way that you could never learn from anything else. Failure is one of the greatest teachers. And we failed a lot on this record," 30STM frontman Jared Leto told MTV News. "It's an ambitious album. It's an album that invited the world to sing and to record and to experiment. To confess. And it is a spiritual record in a way. It is of the spirit world rather than cerebral or just purely guttural. It talks about faith and fighting for what you believe in and the idea of community. ... It was an opportunity for us to embrace the community around 30 Seconds to Mars and really to create the record that we've always dreamed of."

And with the first single, "Kings and Queens," already a fixture on modern-rock radio, it seems like all that hard work is paying off. But given the rather contentious legacy of This Is War, there are still some sticking points even today. Like, for example, Kanye West's much-discussed cameo on the song "Hurricane." When fans pick up their copies of the album, they'll no doubt notice that West's vocals are absent from the track, a casualty of some last-minute legal wrangling. But, in true 30 Seconds to Mars fashion, Leto swears that the West-ified version of the song will be heard someday, somehow.

"He sang on the song, but I think, you know, you have to ship the album and get it manufactured, and they were working out the back-end stuff that's boring to talk about, to figure out all the rights of one record company and the rights of another," he sighed. "It has nothing to do with me or Kanye. But he's phenomenal on the song, and it will be out at some point. I don't even know if it will be in the first pressing, but we'll get it out there."

http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/162773 … witterFeed

Отредактировано Fallen Soul (7 Дек 2009 22:34:22)


Tour Diary: West Palm

Well, we barely made the show. Flight was delayed twice, but we finally got off the ground and got to the show with just moments to spare.

Was great to see our old friends in Chevelle, brothers Sam and Pete, and they helped us out with some gear. Very thankful to them.  Such good peeps.  Nice to be around bands that are cool and kind and have great energy.  And if you haven't checked out their cd, you should.  Produced by my old friend and co-conspirator Brian Virtue.

In typical Floridian fashion the show was great. 12,000 people filled the amphitheater. We hadn't headlined a show this big in over a year so it was very exciting to say the least. Best moment was when everyone came down from the lawn to the seats for This Is War. Unforgettable.

Thanks John O'Connell, The Buzz and everyone who came out to West Palm!!!

So crazy our cd THIS IS WAR comes out on Tuesday!!!!!! Been a long time coming. We sold and signed over 1000 cds tonight! Amazing and very grateful to everyone who bought one. So great to meet and see the actual people who will be listening to this new album.

P.S. Here's a pic I took after everyone was gone...in case you ever wondered what it looked liked after the show.



Jared Leto - and his band mates
December 08 2009
Jared Leto is an actor and musician. He has appeared in films such as Fight Club, Girl, Interrupted, Panic Room, American Psycho, Requiem for a Dream, and Chapter 27. He is the lead vocalist, rhythm guitarist and sole songwriter of the band 30 Seconds to Mars. He started the band in 1998 with his brother (who is the band's drummer) Shannon Leto, and Matt Wachter later joined the band as bassist and keyboard player. They have released two full-length albums: their eponymous debut 30 Seconds to Mars, 2005's A Beautiful Lie and a third album entitled This Is War. Visit ThirtySecondsToMars.com for videos and tour dates.
http://lovelineshow.com/show?action=upc … oming=true

Jared Leto 'Failed A Lot' On 30 Seconds To Mars Album: The MTV News Quote Of The Day
"I don't avoid failing because you learn from that, in a way that you could never learn from anything else. Failure is one of the greatest teachers. And we failed a lot on this record. It's an ambitious album. It's an album that invited the world to sing and to record and to experiment. To confess. And it is a spiritual record in a way. It is of the spirit world rather than cerebral or just purely guttural. It talks about faith and fighting for what you believe in and the idea of community. ... It was an opportunity for us to embrace the community around 30 Seconds to Mars and really to create the record that we've always dreamed of."

-30 Seconds to Mars frontman Jared Leto, talking to MTV News about the band's new album This Is War (which hits stores on Tuesday, December 8). According to the rocker/actor, the process of crafting the new record involved plenty of false starts and no shortage of out-there experiments, including those involving Tibetan monks. But it's the experiment that didn't make it on the album that may become a much sought-after piece of folklore: The guest spot by Kanye West on the song "Hurricane." "He sang on the song, but I think, you know, you have to ship the album and get it manufactured, and they were working out the back-end stuff that's boring to talk about, to figure out all the rights of one record company and the rights of another," he sighed. "It has nothing to do with me or Kanye. But he's phenomenal on the song, and it will be out at some point."

http://newsroom.mtv.com/2009/12/07/jare … f-the-day/

Live Video Chat This Wednesday 12/9
We'll be having a live video chat this Wednesday, Dec 9th, beginning 5pm PST/8pm EST.

EMBED THE CHAT ON YOUR PROFILE OR WEBSITE! http://livestream.com/thirtysecondstomars

OR ADD THE APP ONTO YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE: http://apps.facebook.com/thirtysectomars/

http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse … =521439037

Отредактировано Fallen Soul (8 Дек 2009 13:45:37)


Джаред Лето рассказывает о новом альбоме
30 Seconds To Mars “This Is War”

Джаред Лето очень занят на этой неделе. Актер сериала ”My-So Called Life“ и участник группы 30 Seconds To Mars недавно выпустил третий альбом “This Is War”. Это достижение, которое перенесло представление общества на новый уровень: с двумя тысячами обложек (каждая из которых представляет собой фотографию фана или друга группы) и вокальным сотрудничеством с фанами группы со всего мира - это, без сомнений, альбом, сделанный людьми и для людей. Мы встретились с Джаредом и его товарищами по группе в Лос-Анджелесе, где они задержались на несколько дней для продвижения новой пластинки, включая Tonight Show в четверг, где они исполнят “Kings and Queens”. Кажется, все хотят кусочек Лето, но он относится к этому, как к ”приятным хлопотам“.

EW: Наш первый вопрос немного технический. Смотря на CD, латинская фраза выглядит неправильной. Здесь написано “Prohevito in Altum”, но, как мы помним, в прошлом вы произносили это как  “ProVEHito”.
Джаред: Да. Эту ошибку сделала рекординговая компания. Люди делают ошибки. Не думаю, что мы должны упрекать их за это.

EW: Я бы хотел дать вам возможность объяснить, что новая фраза значит.
Джаред: Мы уже давно ее используем. Она означает – продвигаться внутрь. Это, действительно, как призыв армии, девиз.

EW: Но это значение старой фразы, а что значит новая?
Джаред: Оу, я не знаю. Та, которая неправильно написана?

EW: Да. Давайте дадим и ей определение.
Джаред: Ммм. Я даже не знаю. Из-за перелета весь мой и так маленький творческий потенциал исчез вообще.

EW: Ладно. Когда я впервые взял ваш новый альбом, мне досталась обложка с девушкой, у которой были огромные серьги. Но потом я разобрался, что все-таки тигр живет и внутри альбома.
Джаред: Да. Мы сделали это, попросили две тысячи фанов стать обложками для альбома.

EW: Есть ли у вас любимая обложка, присланная фаном?
Джаред: Они все чудесные. Очень здорово видеть эти обложки в магазинах. На некоторых из них присутствуют мои друзья: фотограф Терри Ричардсон, Бэм Марджера и даже наш менеджер Ирвин Азофф. И конечно же, обыкновенные люди, как с Америки так и со всего мира изображены там. Здорово видеть, как очень разные люди присоединились к нам в этом увлекательном путешествии.

EW: Вы также включили их голоса в альбом. Вы получили тот эффект, ради которого все задумывалось? Повторили бы вы этот процесс снова?
Джаред: Все получилось. Я бы не делал этого снова, но я думаю, это было необходимым для этой пластинки. Это не то, чем я буду заниматься в будущем. Это было весело и очень захватывающе, это вдохновляло, и было здорово сделать что-то очень креативное. Мы думали закончить все здесь, в Лос-Анджелесе, когда около тысячи людей прибыли со всего мира. Но мы  продолжили это в восьми странах мира, не считая США. Это было феноменально. И, действительно, это добавило что-то особенное к песням. И однажды я получил сообщение от иранца, который не смог присоединиться ни к одному из саммитов. И это дало толчок на создание виртуальных саммитов. Мы использовали Twitter и TwitVid для воплощения этой идеи, чтобы каждый мог стать частичкой альбома.

EW: Альбом кажется пессимистичным. Почему?
Джаред: Нет-нет. Я думал, я сделал очень оптимистичный альбом.

EW: Полон света и надежды?
Джаред: Я, действительно, делал его таким! И это забавно, почему люди считают этот альбом очень тяжелым. Я думаю, это было тяжелое время. Я не считаю этот альбом темным, но вы же понимаете, что у нас был иск на 30 миллионов. Мы были в туре, наслаждались успехом “A Beautiful Lie” и мы продали несколько миллионов экземпляров, играли во всех уголках мира, а когда вернулись в Лос-Анджелес – мир рухнул. Не только у нас были  проблемы с лейблом, наши личные битвы, но и остальному миру пришлось пройти через огромные испытания. Так что, это было интересное время для нас, со всем происходящим вокруг нас.
EW: Вы определенно творчески и стилистически рискнули, наименьший риск из которых, это включение в альбом голосов фанов. Несмотря на это, этот альбом воплотил все ваши желания?
Джаред: Я думаю, мы руководствовались творческими инстинктами и придерживались этого как группа. Мы гордимся своей работой. Мы работали с такими замечательными людьми, как Флуд и Стив Лилливайт. Мы вложили свои сердца и души в этот альбом, и я думаю, что это - точное представление этого времени в наших жизнях.

EW: Какие отзывы были у ваших фанов?
Джаред: Так как мы были в туре, мы видели много людей. Уже появились билеты на большой европейский тур, это наш первый официальный тур по большим аренам, и уже проданы все билеты на Вэбли, легендарное место. И вскоре появятся билеты на американский тур. Диалоговое общение, действительно, захватывает, потому что все взаимозависит. Ведь слушатели – это часть выступления. И это здорово, быть частью всего.

EW: Как прошло сотрудничество с Канье Вэстом над песней “Hurricane”? Войдет ли она на пластинку?
Джаред: Мы уже должны были отослать диск изготовителю и поставить его в магазины, но на лейбле еще не все было решено, так часто бывает, когда артисты сотрудничают. Все не так просто.

EW: Но вы говорили, что песня появится несмотря ни на что.
Джаред: Да. Это феноменально. Он проделал отличную работу, мы очень рады этому и думаю, он любит эту песню.

EW: Не боитесь ли вы гнева фанов Тэйлор Свифт, после вашей ассоциации с ” bad bad man“?
Джаред: Я даже не думал о подобных вещах.

EW: Это была шутка.
Джаред: Окей. Я понял. Я даже посмеюсь.

EW: Я предполагаю, что пути ваших фанов ни коем образом не пересекаются с фанами Тэйлор Свифт.
Джаред: Никогда нельзя знать наверняка. Я всегда удивляюсь людям, которые приходят на выступления. Очень часто они носят очень неожиданные футболки. Я не доверяю критикам, которые должны слушать нашу музыку. Это не мое дело. Нашу музыку слушают разные люди. Например, дети лет девяти-десяти, или ребята за сорок-пятдесят. И это здорово.

EW: Канье также разместил фото с вами и Брендоном Флауерсом. Можете рассказать, что получилось из сотрудничества с Брендоном?
Джаред: Я думаю, не могу. Это что-то типа того, как люди встречаются в одном месте, в то же самое время.

EW: Вроде как, человек-загадка?
Джаред: Я так не думаю.

EW: И последнюю вещь, которую я бы хотел узнать, личную – вы все еще подпираете вещи? Вы регулярно это делаете? (прим.перев. имеется ввиду эпизод из сериала “My-So Called Life”, где Джаред подпирал шкафчики, закапывая себе глаза)
Джаред: Оу, да ладно. Прекратите.

EW: Вы изъяли это из своего репертуара?
Джаред: Хватит. А я думал пригласить вас на вечеринку в честь выхода альбома.

EW: Теперь мне не можно прийти?
Джаред: Нет.

EW: Мммм. Но для меня, ”подпирание“ так много означает.
Джаред: Я рад за вас.

EW: Также вы будете в четверг на “ Tonight Show”. Вы будете впервые на обновленном “ Tonight Show”?
Джаред: Да.

EW: Вы сделаете что-то для Конана, чего бы не сделали для Лено?
Джаред: Я вы забавный.

EW: Окей. Я вас поздравляю с амбициозным альбомом, я думаю, это отличная идея…
Джаред: Отличная идея. Я предполагаю, что должен здесь прочесть между строк?

EW: Нет. Примите мой искренний комплимент за сотрудничество с фанами. Я думаю, это очень важно. Вы сказали, что не повторите этого, мне кажется, это очень тяжелая работа…
Джаред: Не в этом суть. Я думаю, мы просто пойдем другим путем в следующий раз. Мы, как бы, исследовали. Да, было нелегко, но все-таки и было здорово.

EW: Может вы хотите что-то посоветовать другим артистам?
Джаред: Я бы им хотел посоветовать следовать за своей творческой музой, вы понимаете меня?

EW: Здорово.
Джаред: И я вас жду на нашей вечеринке.

http://music-mix.ew.com/2009/12/08/jare … o-mars-qa/


Скачать инью  Loveline Interview (2009)
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Please Refrain: 30 Seconds to Mars, 'This Is War'

Please Refrain: 30 Seconds to Mars, 'This Is War'

IT'S RESPECTABLE THAT Jared Leto refuses to let his band play shows where venues advertise the band using the actor's name. What's not respectable, though, is 30 Seconds to Mars's latest release, "This Is War."

On the band's third album, 30 Seconds to Mars builds upon the alternative rock foundation they laid in 2002's self-titled debut and 2005's "A Beautiful Lie," which went platinum and spawned hit single "The Kill." But just as the music video for "The Kill" jacked the format and style of Stanley Kubrick's version of "The Shining," much of 30 Seconds to Mars's sound on "This Is War" is swiped from other industrial and post-hardcore bands of a far better caliber, such as AFI, Nine Inch Nails and Angels and Airwaves. Whether it's screaming vocals, intricate electronica breakdowns or sweeping synth-scapes, most things Leto and Co. put together on "This Is War" end up sounding vaguely familiar.

And the band hasn't progressed very far from "A Beautiful Lie," either — that album also presented lyrics that dealt with humanity's struggle for meaning and justice and the role of one man's impact on the world surrounding him. The same concepts come up on "This Is War," and as a result, most of Leto's verses end up sounding like he listened a little too hard to Tyler Durden's ranting during "Fight Club" (in which Leto had a major role in as "Angel Face," the dude that Edward Norton beats the crap out of while seething about pandas who won't screw to save their species).

Leto's lyrics deal with bearing arms, joining together and fighting against something — or maybe for each other? — but he, drummer and brother Shannon Leto and guitarist Tomo Milicevic never really take the time to clear up what their opponent is. They're too busy using gimmicks like children's choruses and animal sound effects instead.

The album begins with "Escape," the disc's second-shortest song (at 2 minutes and 24 seconds) and also its most seemingly straightforward: Pulsing guitars and drilling drums dart toward each other during the song's first minute, then Leto's overdone, hushed vocals come into play as he warns, "I don't believe in fate / But the bottom line / It's time to pay / You know you've got it coming." But the song takes the over-the-top plunge when a children's chorus (at least, it sounds like little munchkins) blasts in immediately afterward with the proclamation of "This is war," a vocal which is extended for the song's last 30 seconds and will (unfortunately) pop up numerous other times throughout the album.

And if you double "Escape" and copy that about 10 times, you'll get the rest of "This Is War" — most of the songs last about six minutes, follow the same format and feature the same kind of instrumentation and themes.

There aren't really that many risks here: "Night of the Hunter" sounds like something straight off Terry Goodkind's libertarian fantasy novels, with lyrics like "I was born out of the womb of a poisonous spell / Beaten and broken and chased from the lair" and numerous AFI-like call and response sections, while other tracks like "Vox Populi" and "Search and Destroy" sound practically identical. Both use a whispered-screamed vocal dichotomy, have lyrics about how it's "time to go to war" (dudes, we get the concept already) and employ a nearly identical rhythm — the only difference is that the former uses handclaps and that children's chorus thing, and that's not necessarily a benefit.

And the songs that do end up standing out aren't necessarily the best — they're just the ones that do something a little different to veer away from the pack.

Whether it's Kanye West's touch on "Hurricane" (yup, that picture of West and Leto together on the rapper's blog did end up in a collaboration) or the stripped-down, intimate feel of "100 Suns," the two tracks will surely grab your attention for one reason or another. Just ignore the fact that West's verse and repeated line of "I need a heartbeat" on "Hurricane" sound like leftover pieces from a recording session for "808s and Heartbreak" and that "100 Suns" seems as if Leto is trying his damndest to pull an "Imagine" out of his hat and you'll be good.

Overall, though, "This Is War" is not. For dedicated fans, 30 Seconds to Mars's third album will probably be a-OK — after all, the band's sound hasn't changed much since "A Beautiful Lie." But those looking for something new or special from 30 Seconds to Mars should avoid this battle altogether.

http://www.expressnightout.com/content/ … review.php

Thirty Seconds To Mars – This Is War – Reviewed
Right off the bat, ‘This Is War’ is not just an album you put on, it is an entire world you step inside and its grandeur is evident from the beginning.

It starts out with weapons aimed and ready to fire. There’s definitely a strong sense of purpose in ‘This Is War’ and as a whole, while listening to it, It made me feel like some kind of warrior and those songs members of my army, the lyrics my arsenal. I swear, I felt like I was in the midst of this epic battle and I needed to recognize the urgency around me.

I love how well equipped it is. The lyrics are some of their most beautiful yet there seems to be a fight throughout the entire album and I don’t quite think it’s intended to be so literal, instead its symbolic, to me at least. Fight for your life, what you want from it, how you want to live it, your soul, your brothers and sisters… Rise up, conquer,love, desire, suffer and rally…. I think the intent of the album can be heard in “Vox Populi”. That song to me captures the essence of the message in ‘This Is War’, essentially announcing that “this IS a call to arms.” “ Rise up, conquer,love, desire, suffer and rally

This Is War wants to make you a survivor and show you how capable you and I and we can all be. It won’t just stand there and let you be a victim. It is bigger than life and theatrical and elegantly intense. Some of you may not know this, but Thirty Seconds To Mars let some of their fans participate in the process and making of ‘This Is War’ and I love that! I love hearing that! I love that this entire album is blanketed in that personal experience.

I’ll say this, I would never miss seeing these songs performed live. In fact, the album is just somewhere for the songs to call home before being set out into the world at a Thirty Seconds To Mars show. Way to raise the bar for yourselves boys! It’s great. A really grandiose, bountiful and vastly inspiring album and the imagery that it evokes is an added bonus, an alternate universe inside our heads where we get to be the hero.

I totally recommend ‘This Is War’ and I recommend you invest all your senses into it, then, create something from it. What does it make YOU feel? That’s the fun part.

I love…

* This Is War
* 100 Suns
* Alibi
* Stranger In A Strange Land
http://kroq.radio.com/2009/12/09/thirty … more-12907

Tour Diary: Tampa

Was like a giant family reunion.

Lots of old friends, new faces...our good friend Shark and co took great care of us and put on one of the best shows in the country, our buddy Matt from Kill Hannah came out, and always good to hang with the Chevelle boys again.

17,000 amazing people gave us an unforgettable evening and the moon was full and shining above the crowd.

Everyone in Tampa made us feel at home, like usual, and seemed to know every single song... even the ones that weren't out yet.

Someone brought my old yearbook from junior high. Wow talk about reunion. I was the only kid who was never still and well behaved in any
of the shots. Some things never change.

Met and interviewed Matisyahu for the upcoming film we have been shooting for the past year and a half. What a smart, talented, and interesting guy. Glad to have met him. Very cool.

Well, ended the night with my pet helicopter (Genghis Kahn) which I almost lost to a barbed wire fence. I'm not big on toys but I had fun with that little guy for a couple days. Warning: don't fly your pet helicopter in a bus.

Have a loooong drive to Baton Rouge...back to our birth state of Louisiana.

P.S. THIS IS WAR IS IN OUT NOW!!! What do you all think? What's your favorite song? How do you think this album is different? How did it feel listening to the album for the first time?


http://30secondstomars.buzznet.com/user … ary-tampa/

Top Alternative Songs of the Decade - 2000s

1) 30 Seconds to Mars: 'The Kill' (2006)

Lead singer Jared Leto says the song -- off 'A Beautiful Lie' -- is about "confronting your fear and confronting the truth about who you are." The music video (inspired by 'The Shining') depicts just that, showing all of the band members coming face-to-face with themselves. For all of you music theorists, our top alternative song of the decade is played in 6/8 time -- a rhythm found in most waltzes, which ballroom party attendees also dance to in the end of the video. 'The Kill' won Best Video of the Year and Best Rock Video at the MTV Australia Video Music Awards (AVMAs).

http://www.aolradioblog.com/2009/12/11/ … ade-2000s/

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